Imagination Trumps Knowledge! 

Math Magicians | Calculator & Quotes
ProjectMath magicians is a website for all fans of mathematics. It is a Single Page App (SPA) that allows users to: Make simple calculations. Read a random math-related quote. It's built with ReactJS.

Math Magicians | Calculator & Quotes

Crypto Angels | Crypto Currency
ProjectCrypto Angels | Crypto Currencies API provides numeric data about crypto currencies. The webapp have several pages. This project was made with React JS.

Crypto Angels | Crypto Currency

Pokodex | Pokemon's Wikipedia
ProjectPokedex is a JavaScript single-page Application, Built using ES6 features and Webpack bundler, notably modules, and consumes the PokeAPI using JavaScript async/await.

Pokodex | Pokemon's Wikipedia

Portfolio | HTML, CSS, JS
ProjectPortfolio-Project is a personal portfolio for a Software Developer. The purpose of this portfolio is to showcase your skills and expertise. Displaying the projects completed and linking the live demos for the websites deployed. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are used in this project.

Portfolio | HTML, CSS, JS